Burial Committee
The Burial Committee of TMM confidentially keeps on record information pertaining to the last wishes of members and long-term attenders. This information is captured in two forms, completed by the member or long-term attender:
Last Wishes Form
The Last Wishes Form gives family contact information, Memorial Meeting information, wishes related to disposal of the body (funeral home, cremation or burial, etc.), which is crucial to family members (and Burial Committee) at the time of death;
Biography Form
The Biography Form gives the family and Burial Committee information about the person's life and witness. It is drawn upon for the person's Biography for the Memorial Meeting. After a loss, it is relieving for family and f/Friends to have this information on hand and available for use.
Burial Committee encourages all Members and long-term attenders to complete these forms and give them to a member of Burial Committee for filing.
Naming a Power of Attorney
Many people believe that if they are unable to make decisions for themselves, their family can do so for them. This is not necessarily true. For financial decisions, legal authority is needed. You can give this authority by naming someone in a continuing power of attorney for property. For personal care decisions, such as where you live or what you eat, you can give legal authority by naming someone in a power of attorney for personal care.
The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee in Ontario has produced a Power of Attorney Kit that will help you appoint the person you want to make decisions for you when you are no longer able to do so for yourself. For information on how to get a free kit, call 416-314-2800 or visit:
Funeral Advisory and Memorial Society
The Funeral Advisory and Memorial Society (FAMS) is a compassionate consumer advocate helping members to pre-arrange simple inexpensive funerals. It provides the information you need to plan your funeral before your family or friends are faced with making difficult decisions when under emotional stress. One benefit of joining (which is inexpensive) include that the FAMS has written contracts with a number of participating funeral homes, many of whom give significant discounts to members. For more information about becoming a member of the Society, visit:
or call 416-241-6274.
Yonge Street Friends Burial Ground is the most proximate Quaker cemetery and is the most often used by TMM. It is located at 17000 Yonge Street, just south of the Yonge Street Meeting House in Newmarket. It is owned by Canadian Yearly Meeting. For more information, visit:
Yonge Street Friends Burial Ground
Last Wishes Form
The Last Wishes Form gives family contact information, Memorial Meeting information, wishes related to disposal of the body (funeral home, cremation or burial, etc.), which is crucial to family members (and Burial Committee) at the time of death;
Biography Form
The Biography Form gives the family and Burial Committee information about the person's life and witness. It is drawn upon for the person's Biography for the Memorial Meeting. After a loss, it is relieving for family and f/Friends to have this information on hand and available for use.
Burial Committee encourages all Members and long-term attenders to complete these forms and give them to a member of Burial Committee for filing.
Naming a Power of Attorney
Many people believe that if they are unable to make decisions for themselves, their family can do so for them. This is not necessarily true. For financial decisions, legal authority is needed. You can give this authority by naming someone in a continuing power of attorney for property. For personal care decisions, such as where you live or what you eat, you can give legal authority by naming someone in a power of attorney for personal care.
The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee in Ontario has produced a Power of Attorney Kit that will help you appoint the person you want to make decisions for you when you are no longer able to do so for yourself. For information on how to get a free kit, call 416-314-2800 or visit:
Funeral Advisory and Memorial Society
The Funeral Advisory and Memorial Society (FAMS) is a compassionate consumer advocate helping members to pre-arrange simple inexpensive funerals. It provides the information you need to plan your funeral before your family or friends are faced with making difficult decisions when under emotional stress. One benefit of joining (which is inexpensive) include that the FAMS has written contracts with a number of participating funeral homes, many of whom give significant discounts to members. For more information about becoming a member of the Society, visit:
or call 416-241-6274.
Yonge Street Friends Burial Ground is the most proximate Quaker cemetery and is the most often used by TMM. It is located at 17000 Yonge Street, just south of the Yonge Street Meeting House in Newmarket. It is owned by Canadian Yearly Meeting. For more information, visit:
Yonge Street Friends Burial Ground