If you have accessed this page for training purposes, please select the heading for the position you hold, and follow the instructions. If you hold more than one position, please return to this page, and choose your other position(s).
Select positions here:
Care of Children
Care of Vulnerable Persons
Care of Refugees
Staff (including but not limited to)
Note that training also includes attending a workshop every three years as long as you remain in the position.
Select positions here:
- Presiding Clerk
- Trustee
- Contact Person for Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Abuse and Harassment Committee
Care of Children
- First Day School Co-ordinator
- First Day School Volunteer
Care of Vulnerable Persons
- Burial Committee
- Meeting of Ministry and Counsel
- Visiting Committee
Care of Refugees
- Refugee Commitee
- Toronto Friends Sponsoring Refugees
Staff (including but not limited to)
- Children's Activity Leader
- Refugee / Settlement Services Worker
- Resident Friend / Manager
- Associate Resident Friend
- "On Duty" Friends
- Office Staff
- Half-Yearly Meeting Co-ordinator
- Personnel Committee
- Religious Education Committee
Note that training also includes attending a workshop every three years as long as you remain in the position.